Extra Body Parts (Luxury)
Gives your Greedwyrm more (or less) than the normal amount of body parts, such as two heads, 8 legs, extra pairs of wings, etc.
Can also be used to have less than normal body parts such as being limbless, headless, having only one eye in the middle of their forehead.
(This trait is not needed injuries or disabilities, your Wyrm may have that overlap with this trait, those are traitless but must be obvious its an injury)
Stitches (Luxury)
Gives your Greedwyrm any kind of stitches and or frankenstein appearance.
Can be used to give the appearance of a plush body if used with 'material body' trait.
Plant growth (Luxury)
Gives your Greedwyrm plant growth (non-marine) anywhere on their body.
Can grow over the hoard if it has a non hoard origin (e.g vines that start on their head that wrap around the hoard) but does not allow for the hoard itself to be plants, you must have the 'living hoard' trait.
Can be combined with the 'marine' trait for seaweed, coral (we are aware coral is a living organism but for trait purposes it's grouped in with plants)
Can be combined with 'material body' trait to make actual parts of the greedwyrm plants/wood
Confetti (Luxury)
Allows your Greedwyrm to have floating/falling objects/particles around them. (not body parts or hoard items).
Not to be confused with 'floating parts' trait, which allows the wyrm's bodyparts and hoard to float.
Can be used in conjunction with the 'elemental' trait to make falling snow/rain/clouds/etc around the wyrm.