MYO-094: Jellin's Links
Relationship Status: Partners in Crime
My favorite loser to steal with >:D
Relationship Status: Polyamorous Relationship
Big boyfriend!!! He's so so talented with graverobbing and he loves me!!! What more could I ask for!!!
WYRM COLLECTING SWEETS LETS GOOOOO , silly boyfriend , another to the wonderful world of candy factory robbing! <333
Relationship Status: Enemy
Ughhhh SO ANNOYING!!! How can you be so infatuated with books of all things???
Relationship Status: Polyamorous Relationship
Small boyfriend!!! Loves sugar just as much as I do, and we can be crazy together!!!
Relationship Status: Frenemies
He's so energetic that it's annoying. Doesn't care for others safety...But I can tell he has a heart deep down.