MYO-043: Station

Owned by Clamie_Ty

Station Nerri
He/him (lesbian; doesnt identify as male, thats just his preferred pronouns)

Traits: Scales [default]
Horns [default]
Fur [basic]
Wings [basic] *the wings are paper; if the journal cover is opened it can be expanded
Non-Paw Feet [basic]
Ears [basic]
Material body [regal]

Design notes:
> There is a sticky note covering his other eye; feel free to doodle a shitty eye drawing on it or whatever lol
> All decor except pen horns are removable/movable. Idk if its allowed species wise but personally feel free to change up placements/stamps lol
> He keeps his wings tucked most of the time but when theyre expanded, they look moreso like folded bat wings; can be decorated with stationery/writings too
> yes there is a little tear drop always dropping from below the visible eye; hes not sad, thats just the way it is 

Very organized, fidgety guy. Collecting cute things and arranging things soothes him. Had a bad habit of stealing things from shops in the heat of the moment but would always come back and drop the right payment + tip by the counter to make up for it (its a gen problem and he feels very embarassed by this...). If caught would apologize profusely; luckily enough he's usually a good customer so most let it slide after hearing the full story. Works diligently making custom cards/crafts/calligraphy for clients to pay bills, but has dreams of being a writer (alas doesnt have the imagination for it). His letters are usually unintentionally curt/polite; the typa guy to put periods at the ends of sentences not to denote "coldness", but just cuz thats how he likes to type. More open than he first seems. Met Sappho when she approached him looking for someone to put her legend to paper (aka write a heavily edited/exagerated autobiography) and while they were off to a rocky start, they slowly came to get along pretty well; now goes on dates with her every now and then. Is starting to open up to people!! Even cracking little puns!!

Hobbies include color sorting his stationery + designing great layouts; reading all kinds of magazines, articles and other such literature, but mostly old novels (think Jane Eyre, Sherlock); and visiting museums to appreciate art 

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Open for link requests