MYO-034: Pico

Owned by bunnyblasts

🧵 Pico

🪡 He / they

🧶 Once a chronic art supply hoarder, Pico is working hard to remedy the greed that turned him into a Greedwyrm. He doesn't expect to gain his original form back, but- learning from his mistakes just feels like a good idea, he thinks. In their old life Pico constantly was picking up craft supplies, mostly sewing supplies, out of a strong desire to be able to make one of a kind clothing items for themself and their loved ones. He bought and collected and hoarded, telling himself that once he bought everything he needed, he'd finally actually get started; he couldn't maks himself actually sit down and learn. It was overwhelming now, just getting started felt like a mountain he'd have to climb. The fear and greed turned Pico into this. But they're trying now! Now that he's gotten started, Pico is happy with his progress. They even made their own hat! It's not a masterpiece, but to them, it's a symbol of the effort they're putting into being stronger. Someday, he wants to make something as a gift for someone else as well.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed